PerfectShare | Secure Business Data Sharing
PerfectShare's search and auditting features give you full control over user and file activity

Activity reporting and audits

Search functions you know. Search by name, file or date. As well, filter results, just like on 99% of operating systems and devices.

See activity for files and people. With a single click, you can view all shares, views and downloads from a file - AND a person!

Know EVERYTHING about your account. All activity - all logins, uploads and downloads, file viewing, folder creation, file movement from folder to folder, user creation and IP addresses are recorded for you.

PerfectShare lets you select the methods you receive notifications, and how employees and customers receive them

Automation & notifications

Send email notifications you choose. Not every action requires a notification or reminder email. You choose who receives what and when - total control.

Know the second someone logs in. Wondering if your client, or employee, received a file? PerfectShare lets you know when people login to the system, if you'd like.

Create security rules for emails. PerfectShare offers multiple settings for added security. Separate email messages, remove filenames from email reminders and more...

See How Simple and Secure PerfectShare Is